German " Going Electric " Forum talks about my
I think it is actually the person who left sevreal commentaries on the DIY ESS blog (at the end), a certain Nico who apparently had the same kind of project going on but left it on the side until he stumbled on my blog"
Here is a the German to English translation:
Hello, the idea of the project is not mine and mine also still waiting on completion, which until next winter which is probably because I'm still on charge KEBA project off the adaptive PV. Here the foundations are also equal mitgelegt for the ESS. A central service then regulates the PV charge control of the car and the ESS. while ago I stumbled by chance on the Christophe Hubert and his ESS page. http://myelifenow.blogspot .fr / search / label / DIY% 20ESS Before that, I expected a lot and tested and it was then more expensive. So I have all rejected. But Christophe has then directed me on the right track. I know its a very good project and if anyone has any questions, I will answer gladly. My project but I have a little modified to be more powerful and efficient loading and also not use the Wattson to detect the excess power or the necessary reference power. I refer of ZRZ via IR adapter. Ultimately, the operation of the memory can be explained as follows: An Arduino Borad queries the TST and then controls via relay outputs (there are ready-16x boards) a certain number of inverters or chargers.These are always on or off the network side only. All inverter and charger add up Parallelbetreib. The battery is disconnected via a safety relay (normally). With a Four Range Digital Control voltmeter is limited and controls the charge and discharge.So no more BMS is necessary. before I had a BMS in use, but sold again. On page I have Charger with 90W 2x instead of 8x chargers charging devices with adjustable max. 900W each. The scheme takes the Arduino board before. afford the WR about 220W. Christophe was the first WR converted to 70W to the 0 to get close to and even set a current controller before (rc model sport). But I will refrain. 220W requirement under my system runs at all. before I used the cascading WR, was the smallest in SMA inverters are in the experimental setup. The left is also good control via RS485, but totally uneconomical.The small SUN GT250 are optimally utilized and have an efficiency of about 90%. exactly We is the total efficiency, I can not say no idea. Losses are in each case. The project is economically despite its low price in any case. From the Save comercial I do not want to talk. components and costs:
![Overjoyed : D](
of MoLab »Sun 12 , 2013, 12:49
This is a very ingenious concept! The stage adaptation of the feed power completely enough. Likewise, the single-phase design;. ZRZ the net so all phases
Do you know how long it takes the GTI to be aufzusynchronisieren after switching? Must See times ... my
Such a system would also be interested to know real, the 1700W rich indeed to a time delay to load the Smart at night from solar power, and in winter, the CHP still helps. And the facility is nice scalable.
....... And it goes on and on .....
Well, I am happy that some people find my project of interest and will learn that
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